When you start shopping around for a new exterior door, you’ll have a lot of options to choose from. But before you start picking out the perfect color, finish, and architectural style, don’t forget about the most important part of your decision:
What material will your door be made out of? A front door is an essential part of your home exterior. It provides security and weather-proofing protection, while also setting the atmosphere of your home for anyone who passes by. Both wood and fiberglass can offer something different for every homeowner. The trick is knowing which one has benefits that outweigh the downsides. With these front door tips, we’ll take you through the ins and outs of both to help you make the right choice for your home. WOOD EXTERIOR DOORS Known for their aesthetic look and long-time durability, there’s a lot to like about wood doors. However, there are some reasons why homeowners might turn to fiberglass instead. PROS One of the main benefits of having a wood door is its aesthetic appeal. A wood door can offer a very high-end look. Whether stained or painted, you can get a beautiful color that shows off the wood grain and can add a touch of warmth to any home. Add some carvings and you have everything you need for a stunning exterior door. If you want to change up the look of your door, it’s also easy to sand or paint. Any small scratches or dents can blend into the natural texture of the wood. Wood is also a renewable resource, for those looking for something sustainable and eco-friendly. CONS Compared to more cost-effective options like fiberglass, wood doors tend to be on the higher end of the pricing range. They may also take more effort to maintain — sun damage and other outdoor elements can cause a door to bubble, peel, fade, or warp. Another limitation of wood doors is energy efficiency. Wood doors aren’t as efficient at sealing out the elements, as well as sealing in hot or cold air. FIBERGLASS EXTERIOR DOORS Valued for its cost-effectiveness and durability, fiberglass has emerged as a strong contender when it comes to the right exterior door. PROS One of the main advantages of fiberglass is its durability. Fiberglass can last for decades without rotting, warping, or deteriorating in any way. They’re also extra resistant to dents or scratches, which means they won’t require much maintenance to keep a fresh appearance. While not as versatile as wood, they can still be stained and painted if you want to change up the look of your door. Finally, they’re known for being highly energy efficient. In fact, they can offer up to five times the insulating power of a wood door the same size. CONS The main con of fiberglass doors comes down to one thing: aesthetics. While fiberglass can include a synthetic wood grain — which looks very similar to real wood — some homeowners don’t like the simulated look. They prefer the look and feel of genuine wood. THE DEBATE BETWEEN WOOD AND FIBERGLASS While there are some big differences between wood and fiberglass doors, it all depends on personal preference. Maybe you don’t like the synthetic feel of fiberglass. Or you value the longevity of fiberglass doors and don’t want to worry about maintenance. Whichever you choose, the best way to choose an exterior door you’ll love is to seek out top-quality craftsmanship. If you’re looking for an upgrade, our doors have the look, feel, and functionality to make a serious impression. Comments are closed.